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Charity Dent

My Favorite Bible Verse

I know you're reading this and probably thinking: "I bet it's John 3;16 or Proverbs 3:5-6 or Jeremiah 29:11." While those are great verses, they aren't in my top 3 of "favorites." I have multiple Bible verses I would say are my favorite, but I'm going to share the one that is the reason for this blog and podcast. The one that is now my life purpose. A verse that reminds me of me of one 'why' to my existence.

Luke 12:48: "To whom much is given, much is required." A year ago, if you were to ask me what this verse means, I wouldn't have been able to tell you. Ever since the start of 2023, I've realized what this verse means. I didn't find the verse until this past May. I wanted a Bible verse to help me with my mission and be my personal purpose. Not just something that looks nice in my bio. I wanted something that I was actually living and be able to share with others. It's definitely Luke 12:48.

This verse reminds me that God has blessed me with GIFTS, not talents or things I can use as a hobby. Gifts are to be shared so I'm sharing one of them with you now. Not only are they to be shared with others, but they are to be used to glorify God. That's the purpose of my blog, podcast, and more so my life. God is the reason I'm still here (if you know my testimony, then you know where I'm going). So since I'm still here, I will use each and every gift I have to exalt the Lord. After all, He IS worthy of all the praise. He's had so much grace and mercy bestowed upon me and my life. I just can't thank Him enough.

I want you to think of a Bible verse that will RESONATE with you and your spirit. Not just because it looks cute on social media. Not because you just learned it from memory. Because it truly means something to you.


What's your favorite Bible verse? What does it mean to you? Comment below.

God bless you and may His works in me inspire you.

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